ODEM Token in Lumi Wallet: Invest in Your Education

Lumi Blockchain Wallet
4 min readMar 25, 2019



At Lumi Wallet, we believe education is the most powerful tool for changing the world and your quality of life. Without education, no progress is possible.

In previous blogs, we introduced you to some popular online blockchain courses and attractive careers in the blockchain industry.

Now we want to tell you about the ODEM Platform that uses blockchain technology to make higher education more accessible, affordable, transferable, and verifiable.

ODEM is creating a global, decentralized platform that delivers end-to-end, online, blended, and in-person education programs. It’s an on-demand education marketplace powered by the Ethereum blockchain that matches students with educators.

The ODEM Platform aims to solve several major problems in current education systems, including a lack of transparency, skyrocketing tuition fees, and inaccessibility.

Blockchain and AI allow the creation of an interactive education market. That market provides students with the programs, subjects, and educators they’re most interested in. Market participants can also make secure payments when all required conditions are fulfilled.

Smart contracts on the ODEM Platform automatically issue educational certificates to students who complete courses and expedite payments to educators based on previously agreed upon conditions. As a result, education becomes more affordable and transparent.

Students can also store their education transaction history on the blockchain. This will maintain a single record of their academic experiences and certifications. The Platform also allows for off-chain actions such as adding new achievements and searching for specific classes.


A variety of academic programs will soon be available. Whether you’re interested in blockchain, AI, augmented reality, data science, machine learning or entrepreneurship, you’ll find the right course. Virtual reality, augmented reality, user-experience design, NEO development and 21st-century leadership principles are only a few disciplines from which you can choose.

ODEM CEO Richard Maaghul recently explained the strategy of offering courses based on popular demand:

“To kick-start the process, we’ve purposely chosen a select number of programs in trending areas of interest based on our research and current participant interests. Our goal is to rely on the ODEM community to determine which types of programs are of the greatest value.”

As a bonus, both students and educators can benefit from ODEM’s referral program and receive ODEM Tokens.

ODEM Token in Lumi Wallet

The ODEM Platform accepts any currency and converts it into ODEM Tokens for use by students, educators, and service providers.

The ODEM Token is an ERC20 Token. It acts as the ODEM Platform’s unique currency and software license. The Token also gives students and educators immediate access to the Platform.

You can buy the ODEM Token on exchanges like Bitfinex, BitMart, and DragonEx and transfer them to Lumi Wallet to ensure that your digital assets and private keys are safely stored on your device.

Lumi Wallet is a multicurrency, client-side iOS and Android wallet, where you can store, send, receive, and exchange coins like BTC, ETH, BCH, and the majority of ERC-20 tokens. We don’t store your private keys on servers, which means you have full control of your funds.

We made our wallet very easy to use.

When you purchase your ODEM Tokens, you’ll need to transfer them to a safer place. Lumi Wallet is the perfect secure storage for your educational fund!

To get started, download the Lumi Wallet app from the App Store or Google Play. Follow our registration instructions and write down your mnemonic phrase. You’ll need this phrase if you lose your phone or want to use the app on another device. Write down your backup on several pieces of paper and keep them safe.

Lumi Wallet is completely anonymous, the only thing we ask you to share with us is your email.

Once your account is created, you need to add the ODEM Wallet. Go to the ‘Wallets’ section and tap on the ‘Add more wallets’ button. Type in the name of the token or project and choose the ODEM Wallet from the list. Confirm the option and check out your new wallet on the main page!

To send your funds from the exchange to Lumi, tap on the ‘Receive’ button on the bottom left side of the screen. Find ODEM and tap on your wallet address to copy it. You can also share it in one click.


Ask away! Drop us a line on Telegram, or leave a comment on Lumi’s Twitter, Facebook, or Reddit.



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